The SUE ADLER TEAM website

The Sue Adler Team’s Thanksgiving Tradition

On Tuesday the 21st the Sue Adler Team gathered at Sue’s house for our Fourth Annual Client Appreciation Thanksgiving Pie Day Event. We started the holiday season off by gifting over 300 farm made pies to our past, present and future clients as a token of our appreciation for the wonderful relationships we have grown throughout the years. We loved catching up with everyone who was able to come sip some cider and visit throughout the day.

As a team, we are dedicated to giving back  to those in need, and our clients tend to feel the same way. Everyone who attends is able to be a part of giving back through their monetary or canned goods donations for  The Community Food Bank of NJ.  This has become a tradition that has gained traction each year.

Each year, we match our client’s donations and will be  dropping off the checks and canned goods to the food bank later this week. We are so grateful to our clients for their business, continued referrals, long lasting friendship, and shared values.  

We hope everyone enjoyed the pies and had a wonderful holiday.

The Sue Adler Team



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