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Trying to Sell Your Home? Tips for Preparing Your Home for the Market #2: The Bathroom

After the kitchen, the bathroom is easily the second most important room in the house. Just as with the kitchen, it is important that the bathrooms offer up-to-date conveniences while also appearing clean and well-maintained. While you could easily spend a great deal of money remodeling the bathroom, a few simple fixes and upgrades will go a long way toward appealing to more buyers.

Making it Functional

When preparing your bathroom for the market, you should give serious consideration to its functionality and how you can make it more convenient and enjoyable for the potential buyer. For example, since we all use the bathroom for hygienic routines such as shaving, hair styling, and makeup application – we want a good mirror located above the sink. More than likely, you already have a mirror in your bathroom, but consider whether or not that mirror is large enough or if it is convenient to use. The mirror should also be in excellent condition and in a style that is fitting to your bathroom décor. If not, you should seriously consider replacing it. Furthermore, you should make sure your bathroom has plenty of lighting and opportunity for natural light or, at the very minimum; you should install lighting that mimics natural light. The right choice of lighting will add ambiance to your bathroom while at the same time make it brighter and more functional.

You can also make your bathroom more efficient and appealing to potential buyers by replacing the faucets in your sink and bathtub as well as the showerheads. Just as with the faucets in your kitchen, bathroom faucets have a tendency to lose their shine over time. Not only will your bathroom look more attractive with the new hardware, but the opportunity to replace them with eco-friendly models. When replacing the showerhead, be sure to select one that offers plenty of options, as today’s home buyer is looking for a shower that can massage, soothe and wash away their worries along with the grime.

Keeping it Simple

In addition to making the bathroom convenient to use, it is also important to find ways to simplify the cleaning process. After all, the bathroom is clearly the least popular room in the house to clean. On the other hand, it is the room that typically requires the most attention in order to keep it looking and smelling fresh.

One way you can help to simplify the cleaning process is to install a water softener. If your home does not already have a water softener, the buyer will likely ask that you install one before closing on the house. You can get a step ahead of the process and help get your home sold more quickly if you simply install a water softener before putting the home on the market. Furthermore, a lack of a water softener often leads to hard water stains in your bathtub, shower or sink, so be sure to scour away any “ring around the tub” thoroughly before putting your home on the market. The last thing a new homeowner wants is to start scrubbing away in the bathroom the day after making a purchase.  A clean, bright bathroom says to a potential buyer that your home has been treated with that touch of tender loving care.  After all, the bathroom is the room where you start and end your day.

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