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Trying to Sell Your Home? Tips for Preparing Your Home for the Market #8: The Landscape

As mentioned in the previous article within this series, one important step in creating curb appeal is to address the property’s landscape. In this final article, we will talk about ways to ensure that the landscape is properly maintained as well as adding to or changing the landscape where necessary. After all, first impressions do count. By paying proper attention to your home’s landscape, you can leave a significant impact on a potential buyer while also creating a positive and long-lasting impression.

 Cleaning Up What is Already There

Before you start worrying about adding to your landscape or making any changes to what is already there, you will first need to do a thorough clean up. In addition to cleaning up any debris that is in your yard, you should edge your lawn, remove weeds and trim bushes and trees. Clean and weed flowerbeds and make sure flowers look fresh, pruned and healthy. A flowerbed that is freshly mulched and free from weeds adds a touch of beauty to any property.

 Adding to Your Landscape

If you do not currently have much in place in terms of landscape, you will be happy to learn that you do not need to spend a great deal of money adding lots more. Simply planting one attractive tree as a focal point, for example, can go a long way toward improving the overall look of your home’s landscape. Installing a few simple flowerbeds on either side of your driveway or in front of your house can also make a significant impact on the overall look of your landscape. Planting annuals in the flowerbeds is a good option, as annuals are less expensive than perennials and provide long-lasting color and beauty. While perennials come back year after year, your goal is not to be back the following year to watch them bloom. Rather, you want your landscape to look as attractive as possible throughout the time it is on the market. As another option, you can even place a couple pots filled with flowers outside your entryway. Not only will this help improve the look of your landscape, but you can easily pick up these flowers and take them with you when you move.

Thinking Beyond Plant Life

Depending upon the climate, your ability to provide upkeep and the type of landscaping that is used in other homes throughout your neighborhood, installing trees, bushes and flowers may not be the best option for your property. In this case, you might want to consider emphasizing the hardscape or possibly even installing a rock garden. Hardscape refers to things such as patio areas, walkways and other paved or brick areas. By adding the hardscape, you make your outside space more useable, attractive and inviting.

Remember, if they like what they see on the outside, a potential buyer will be more inclined to come in and see more.

We hope the tips and tricks that were discussed in this 8-part series will help in the process of selling your home and make this undertaking as simple and stress-free as possible. Of course, a qualified and experienced real estate agent can look at your specific property and help you determine what improvements will help get it properly prepared and ready for the market.


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