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Why Your Agent Matters: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

by: Sue Adler
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FinalAgentMatterPhotographPicture paging through a magazine or scrolling through your facebook feed – what makes you stop and take notice? Is it a fiery headline or a long-winded article? Chances are the thing most likely to make you stop and stare is a striking photo!

This is especially true, and extremely important, in the world of real estate. Yes, you may get a good feel for a home by reading the long, room-by-room description; and don’t misunderstand, the description does provide important details about upgrades and finishes and location. But pictures – pictures tell a story by walking you through the home, room by room, highlighting the good, the bad and the ugly!

Here are a few truths about real estate photography:

  1. There’s some ugly stuff out there: Spend an afternoon on some of the most-traveled real estate sites and you’re guaranteed  to see some things you can’t “unsee”—clutter, mess, crazy color schemes, overflowing laundry baskets…it’s all out there.
  2. There are some bad photographers out there: Let’s face it, not every agent is a photographer. We’re all good at some things, but we aren’t all good at all things. Photography is best left to the professionals.
  3. The right equipment matters: Cell phones are great for snapping selfies, gourmet meals, or the family pet; but not really the best option for real estate photography.

We know buyers make a split-second decision on whether or not they want to see a house based on the pictures they pull up on the internet; and this is why your agent matters when it comes to telling the visual story of your home. You may love your grandma’s hand-stitched table linens, but a good agent knows that buyers prefer to see a more modern, updated dining room scenario; and we all love to cover our refrigerator with the kids artwork, but de-clutter is the name of the game when you want to appeal to a broad range of people looking for their next home. The best angle, the best light, the best staging – a professional photographer knows the value in taking the time to get the best photo possible, and a good agent knows where to find the best real estate photographer!

The Sue Adler Team has an in-house professional photographer who will definitely go the extra mile to tell the story of your home – from operating a drone to get the best aerial shots, to setting up and waiting for the sun to go down an hour later to get just the right twilight shot, to denting the roof of his own car to get an exterior shot from just the right vantage point, Peter Jacoby does it all! Visit our website to see Peter’s work—he’s ready to take the photos that will speak a thousand words about your home, so if you’re ready to list, give us a call at 973.936.9129.

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