Halloween – also known as All Hallows’ Eve — is coming…..a day to celebrate the kid in all of us. The best costumes are, by far, the ones made at home and by now kids are coming up with original creative costume ideas and parents are scrambling with the finishing touches. There’s nothing cuter than a toddler in his first costume. There are all sorts of ways to showcase your masterpiece in our Midtown Direct communities and the best part is these celebrations are safe and fun activities happening on or before October 31st.
So in addition to the traditional festivities such as trick-or-treating, costume parties, carving pumpkins into jack-o-lanterns, apple bobbing, haunted attractions and scary stories, join neighbors and friends in some area fun and celebrate why we are so lucky to call these towns home.
Get in the Halloween spirit and enjoy some spooktacular fun……
Millburn/Short Hills – The Millburn Fire Department will hold its annual Halloween Parade, Sunday, October 28 from 11-3 in Taylor Park. Pony rides, petting zoo, pick a pumpkin and more….parade begins at noon sharp. Participants are invited to walk the parade route and have their costumes or floats judged. Prizes will be awarded. No rain date. Preregistration for kids is required at www.twp.millburn.nj.us or stop by the Millburn Fire Department.
Summit – Merchants will welcome all children to Trick-or-Treat in downtown Summit on Saturday, October 27 from noon until 3 pm. The P.A.L. Halloween Parade begins at 3 pm behind the Bouras Building. All merchants participating will have a Pumpkin Poster in their window or on their door. Please gather behind The Bouras Building on DeForest Avenue about 3 pm. The Parade will go down Maple Street to the Village Green where refreshments will be served.
Madison – The Madison Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring 2012 “Halloween Hoopla,” on Saturday, October 27 starting at 12:15 pm. Children and their parents are invited to attend a Halloween costume party followed by a magic show and trick-or-treating in the downtown business area.
Maplewood – Annual Halloween parade and costume Contest, Wednesday, October 31 from 3-5 pm. Parade takes place in the Maplewood Village on Maplewood Avenue between Durand Road and Baker Street. Local merchants and restaurants will distribute candy and goodies.
South Orange – Annual Halloween festival Wednesday, October 31 from 4 – 6 pm at spooky Spiotta Park (South Orange Avenue & Village Plaza). Music and games followed by a costume contest. Refreshments and prizes.
Wishing you a safe and fun filled Halloween!