Tonight was our annual Claremont Drive block party, in the Glenwood Section of Short Hills. What a great time! Over time my clients have become my neighbors which makes it doubly fun for me. Two guys are behind the grill flipping burgers and dogs, and everyone else brings either a salad or desert or wine. One of our new neighbors just moved in 2 weeks ago. It’s always an amazing turnout.
There are a gazillion kids and I have no idea who belongs to who anymore but they all seem to be having a grand ol’ time, and did I mention that we have a big puppy epidemic? If someone doesn’t know your name, they will most certainly know your dog’s name and introduce you as the dog’s mother or father.
At the end of the summer, Claremont Dr has our annual icecream social, and as you can imagine, the kids love that. The kids get to  make their own icecream sundaes and choose from  all of the toppings . And the street is again blocked off. It’s exactly the environment we all dream of having for our kids.
Glenwood is where everyone comes back to for Halloween if they’ve moved away. Glenwood is that perfect neighbhorhoody, walk to train, town and school location. , Kids play in the middle of the street in Glenwood. Its no wonder that homes have kept their values more so than other areas during the down turn of the market. It’s also no wonder that they sell so quickly when they do come on the market.
Any questions about houses in Glenwood , the Glenwood School, or what it’s like to live here? I’m happy to put you in touch with other Glenwood parents! Just let me know = vip at or 973-464-9129.
Yours to count on,
Sue Adler