At, we enjoy being known for our ability to help people with their New Jersey midtown direct train line homes. We’ve always known the virtues of our easy commute and were excited to hear that last week, Summit NJ’s Planning Board voted to recommend the Common Council apply for Transit Village designation. The Transit Village Initiative, a program offered by the New Jersey Department of Transportation, encourages revitalization and the building up of commute towns, just like Summit! Being called a Transit Village showcases our use of public transportation and may attract newcomers to purchase a home in Summit. What do you think… is this a good idea?
The plan for the Transit Village are that it would begin at the train station and expand in a one-half mile area in all directions from the train station. This could also encourage developers to create more business in the area. If the Common Council agrees to submit an application, map area included in the Transit Village will be more clearly defined and granted within a few months, according to planning and development consultant member Edward Snieckus. Find out more by clicking on the local article here.