Election Day is just eight days away — Tuesday, November 6 – and your vote counts! In these final days leading up to the Presidential election, I remind all of my dear community friends, clients and colleagues to get out and vote.
Democracy is what our country is based on and it’s our responsibility to exercise this choice by casting our ballot on November 6. Whether you’re a Democrat, Republican, Independent or anything in between, here’s a chance to voice our opinions and make a difference. The privilege to vote is one of our most cherished constitutional rights that we have fought for over the centuries. Let’s exercise this freedom by going out on November 6 when our voice as an American citizen counts and hold elected officials accountable for their decisions. After all, their primary responsibility is to listen to their constituents and enact legislation that will improve the communities they serve. This trickles down directly from the President. Our rich and vibrant communities depend on our choice – education, the economy, taxes, home values, and our environment – our chance to have a say in these important issues that will directly affect our cherished communities.
If you need help with simple information like when do the polls open for those early birds  or people who need to head off to work, how to find your polling location if you’ve recently moved to the area, or even what kind of identification is necessary, please visit the following sites.
–Â Â Â Â Â Â Essex County residents (Millburn, Short Hills, Maplewood, South Orange and Livingston)
–Â Â Â Â Â Â Morris County residents (Madison and Chatham)
–Â Â Â Â Â Â Union County residents (Summit, New Providence and Westfield)
The debates are over, the major issues are on the table and the final week of campaigning is here. Now it’s up to us to do the rest. We should look forward to the year ahead knowing that the best choice was made because we made a difference. Remember your vote does count! See you at the polls.