Book donations needed for St. Paul’s 28th annual “Giant Book Sale.”
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Westfield is seeking donations for its 28th Annual Giant Book Sale. Sponsored by the Friends of Music at St. Paul’s, this year’s sale runs on Sunday, Nov. 1, Noon-5 p.m..; Monday, Nov. 2, 9 a.m.-9 p.m., and Tuesday, Nov. 3, 9 a.m.-noon (Bag Day). On Bag Day, book shoppers can purchase all that they can fit into one grocery bag for $5.
Especially needed are gently used hardback and paperback fiction, nonfiction, cookbooks, audio books, videos, computer software, compact discs, vinyl records, DVDs, sheet music, puzzles, and children’s books. The church is unable to accept donations of textbooks, magazines, encyclopedias or Readers’ Digest condensed books.
If possible, please bag and label your donations by category, e.g., History, Politics, Sports, Romance Fiction, Hardback Fiction, Cookbooks, Teen’s, etc. Donations may be dropped off daily, starting on Friday, October 16. An outdoor pod unit will be available for book drop-offs in the church parking lot. Please use the Euclid Avenue entrance. Weekday donations, Monday through Friday, will be accepted between 3 and 9 p.m. Donations will be accepted all day on Saturdays and Sundays through Saturday, October 31.
All Book Sale proceeds support St. Paul’s musical programs and concerts, which are open to the general public. The church is located at 414 E. Broad Street, near Euclid Avenue and across from the municipal building. For further information, call (908) 451-5082 or e-mail Charles M. Banks, Director of Music, at [email protected]. T.J. Karns, Publicity, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church.
St. Paul’s is a community of faith, whose members serve Jesus Christ through worship, prayer, study, and service in the tradition of the Episcopal Church in the Anglican Communion. They warmly welcome all persons to join with us in Christian worship and fellowship. St. Paul’s is vibrant church community and they look forward to meeting you personally. They work hard to make certain their doors are open wide, and that those who are new to us feel a warm welcome. You are invited to partake in the total life of this community, particularly in the worship of God and in service to others. They believe this to be an expression of the love and openness modeled by Christ. Their hope also is that you will receive a sense of the sacred in this place and will want to explore deeper. They invite you to join us for one of our services and talk with members in person. All baptized Christians – regardless of denomination – are welcome to receive the sacrament of Holy Communion.
Fine music has always been one of the hallmarks of St. Paul’s, essential to this beautiful Anglican worship and a point of pride for thisparish. St. Paul’s is blessed by the outpouring of talent and time by many parishioners of all ages in the ministry of music. Their participation reminds us that among the greatest gifts each has to share are those precious talents God has given to each of us. Everyone is richer when each one offers their talents to God in worship.
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