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If you’re planning to sell your home sometime in the near future and you think that waiting until spring is the best way to go, you’ll want to hear today’s message. Here are three reasons why the fall market is a great time to sell:
1. Less inventory. Fewer homes are on the market in fall, meaning you’ll have less competition and, unlike the spring, prices won’t be driven by inventory growth.
2. High buyer demand. Because prices have settled in at a new level, buyers feel more comfortable jumping into the market, which we saw a lot of this summer and in the final days of spring. We are seeing strong buyer traffic on our listings in all of our local towns.
3. Low interest rates. For buyers, lower prices combined with near historic low interest rates is the best of both worlds and creates a huge opportunity that we haven’t seen in a long time. It’s also the perfect storm for the move-up buyers since the entry-level market has remained strong while the mid to upper price brackets have softened.
Fewer homes are on the market in fall,
meaning you’ll have less competition.
If you’d like an in-home consultation and learn more about the best strategy for getting top dollar for your house, let’s talk!
Join us for our next Home Selling Workshop at the Summit Library on Wednesday, September 18th – 7 PM. Register Here!