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Sudden Relocation From LA
It gives us great pleasure to recommend Sue Adler. She was a tremendous help and resource in helping us with a rapid and sudden relocation from Los Angeles. The level of service and care that Sue and her team provided was second to none. I couldn't believe the attention to detail. Within 24 hours a series of houses that met our requirements were ready to look at. Sue was patient and caring and sensitive to the emotional strain of relocation. I returned to town 2 weeks later and Sue worked the weekend away to get the job done. She negotiated with our seller well into the night, working hard to cover every point. In the middle of it all, she managed to find time to run and buy a "Hostess gift" to take to dinner at our new Boss' home. During closing the support I received was phenomenal. Every detail was covered, and Sue & her team were right there every step of the way. I highly recommend Sue and her team to help you through the buying and selling process. We're convinced that no one can do it better The Kassars
Home Buyer
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