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You’re in excellent hands with Amy!
You're in excellent hands with Amy. She was our buyer's agent. She was extremely responsive and went above and beyond the call of duty to get our deal closed. To give you a sense, the deal went smoothly until a few days before closing when the seller ran into a substantial problem with the township and work that needed to be done. In a very fast-moving and fluctuating situation, Amy was there and on-call to address every issue and communicate with the seller daily -- usually many times daily. Amy even went to so far as to several times make trips to the township construction code office to get everyone in line and moving towards completion and within tight time constraints. This kind of responsiveness and proactive attitude was exactly what my wife and I needed as busy professionals. Without Amy, it's unlikely the deal would have gotten done. But it did, and we love our new home in Morris Township. We can't say enough about Amy and highly recommend her.
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